Saturday, September 12, 2009

Doc app today! :)

This is an email that Lex sent out earlier... I wanted to post something to keep you updated but am so tired... Love you all!

So Amy endured a six hour doctor visit today! She is still waiting for blood work results to hear if her tumor is secreting a growth hormone. If the tumor is secreting the growth hormone, surgery is the only option. If it is not she would have to take medication that is pretty harsh on your heart probably for her whole life. If put on the medication she will have to go back to the doctor to get an Eco-cardiogram and another MRI to make sure her heart is still okay in a year. They usually don't see any problems with such a low dose of the medication that she is on, but when she got her Eco-cardiogram she had a little bit of tricuspid valve regurgitation, which means some of her blood pumped back the opposite direction when her heart would beat so they want to keep an eye on it! The doctor did tell her that her pituitary gland is abnormally small, and may be part of the cause of her hormonal imbalance. With her pituitary gland being small they are not sure if it will be able to or is currently functioning properly.

Our new prayer is that her pituitary gland will grow to normal size and that her tumor would not be secreting a growth hormone!

Thank you everyone for praying! As we hear back from the doctors I will keep you all informed! We love you guys and are so blessed to have you to pray for Amy!

Lexi <3


Parisian Heart said...

I have been praying and waiting with you to hear results. Thanks for posting, Lexi. I will continue to keep Amy and your family in prayer. God bless you for being such a supportive sister.

Lindsi said...

Thanks for the update! You continue to be in my heart and in my prayers my love:)

Aaron Galeotti Photography said...

Your in my thoughts and prayers. I think everything will work out just fine my friend :)